dan-fritchman / Hdl21

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RFC: create Modules/ExternalModules from on-disk protos #173

Open growly opened 11 months ago

growly commented 11 months ago

It strikes me as convenient to be able to import a module by doing this:

import hdl21 as h

mod = h.ExternalModule(from_proto="/path/to/proto.pb")
# or
mod2 = h.Module(from_proto="/path/to/proto.pb")

It strikes me as such because I want to write a testbench for an externally-generated module in hdl21.

Obviously the long way is to the use the import/export functions already there, but they're more verbose. This just feels more sugary.


growly commented 11 months ago

After thinking about it for literally 1 more minute I realise that this is slightly more complicated; we haven't imagined writing Modules to disk one at a time, they're usually in a Package with the transitive closure of their dependency graph neatly ordered before them.

Still, it would be might convenient. Maybe instead it's

import hdl21 as h
mod = h.Module(name="my_thing", in_package="/path/to/package.pb")
dan-fritchman commented 11 months ago

So what would doing this look like now?
Isn't it, like, one additional line in front of h.from_proto() ?

growly commented 11 months ago

I dunno. Let's leave this half-baked thought to prove for a while. I guess I try it both ways for a bit first.

dan-fritchman commented 11 months ago

Yep, good to see how it looks without dedicated/ built-in support.

Couple thoughts if we do add such a thing:

# in `pymod1.py`

import hdl21 as h
m = h.Module(name="FlipFlop")
# in `pymod2.py`

import hdl21 as h
m = h.Module(name="FlipFlop") # <= the point - same name 

Here there are two (Hdl21) Modules named FlipFlop. In Python this is fine; they are in different namespaces. In typical HDL tools which lack namespaces, they would be definitively not fine.

So Hdl21 tracks their defining (python) module, and exports them as something like

(Note this naming is the subject of a couple open bugs - #142 here and VLSIR #65.)

growly commented 11 months ago

Ok to not reusing the constructor, but I'm not sure what the point about namespaces is?

It looks like I just want a convenient way to do all of e.g.

package = vlsir_circuit.Package()
with open('../build/sky130_mux.package.pb', 'rb') as f:
ns = h.from_proto(package)
mux = ns.sky130_mux
dan-fritchman commented 11 months ago

Looks pretty good!

Point is: depending how sky130_mux was defined, you may need to look for it several namespaces down, in something like ns.sub_namespace1.sub_namespace2.etc.

E.g. any of the unit tests around here: