dan200 / ComputerCraft

Programmable Computers for Minecraft
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Do you want auto releases? #165

Open JLLeitschuh opened 7 years ago

JLLeitschuh commented 7 years ago

Do you want auto releases every time a PR is merged so that the plugin doesn't have tons of fixes over months but never a stable release?

This will allow you to simply maintain the project through merges without having to deal with performing regular releases.

This can be configured through travis CI by using encrypted variables that are only accessible on a build run against master.

dmarcuse commented 7 years ago

To be honest I don't see the point. If you did a release for every single commit to master you'd end up with a lot of releases, and if users need to get a specific change that hasn't been released yet it's trivial to build the project from source.

Wojbie commented 7 years ago

True. But many people don't know how to use gradle or even anything about making cc mods.. Having an automated weekly build would make it more accessible to random people on internet so they can find bugs.

dmarcuse commented 7 years ago

Automated weekly builds make sense, but one for every commit would be excessive IMO.

JLLeitschuh commented 7 years ago

I can set it up to run daily, weekly, or monthly easily. Or any variance of that, (you'd just check to see if the day is some modulo of some multiple and skip a release if it's not).


Weekly makes sense.

Wojbie commented 7 years ago

It might sounds wired but does it skip the release if there was no commits since last one? Because there can be sometimes a week or 2 when project stalls cause people are working on stuff and making extra weekly one makes no sense then.

oddstr13 commented 7 years ago

With Jenkins, you can set it up to check for changes in the git repo using crontab-like syntax; jenkins build triggers screenshot

JLLeitschuh commented 7 years ago

@dan200 I want your feedback before I try to implement this.

CrazedProgrammer commented 7 years ago

I made a cron job on my server to build and package a redistribution (with SquidDev's modified build.gradle) of the main repository every 3 hours (starting at 0:30).
You can find it at https://crzd.me/files/ComputerCraft-nightly.zip There is also a maven repository for it at https://crzd.me/files/maven/ (the xml is located at https://crzd.me/files/maven/dan200/computercraft/ComputerCraft/maven-metadata-local.xml).

I'm waiting on PR https://github.com/dan200/ComputerCraft/pull/184 to get merged, so I can also release this on the forums.

JLLeitschuh commented 7 years ago

I'd ideally like to see that the releases get published through the official channels:

CrazedProgrammer commented 7 years ago

Yeah I can see that being the optimal solution for releases.
This redistribution is just so people can use the absolute latest build of CC.

Restioson commented 7 years ago

I don't know how ideal this is. If new PR's are merged but not tested, this could break things. If we made tests and built if all tests passed, that could work... Nightly is excessive though. Once a week sounds good.

vico93 commented 7 years ago

@CrazedProgrammer these builds are for 1.9.4/1.10 or also works in 1.11.x?

SquidDev commented 7 years ago

@vpontin Just 1.9.4/1.10.2 at the moment. There is a 1.11.2 PR in the works.

vico93 commented 7 years ago

Oh thanks @SquidDev ! I'll stick with unborked until builds for 1.11 be possible

CrazedProgrammer commented 7 years ago

Hi guys.
Yesterday I made a script that clones and (tries to) build every PR in this repo.
You can see it at https://crzd.me/files/ComputerCraft-PRs/ though it is a mess of files. The jars are usually located at /ComputerCraft/build/libs.
Not every build succeeds, and if this directory is empty then you'll be better off cloning and building it yourself.
Hope this is useful!

Restioson commented 7 years ago

@CrazedProgrammer *tests my pr*. This is really useful! Thanks! However, the downloads are marked as "uncommonly downloaded" in Chrome (at least for my PR)

CrazedProgrammer commented 7 years ago

Well, technically they are uncommonly downloaded :P

Restioson commented 7 years ago

True... 😛