dan200 / ComputerCraft

Programmable Computers for Minecraft
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I want to sign up for the CC forums but registration is broken #596

Open Nukley opened 4 years ago

Nukley commented 4 years ago

I want to sign up for the computercraft forums but registration is broken. I know issues have been made for this but I noticed a few things have changed since it was last reported in 2018:

  1. There is no longer a workaround, You used to be able to type in something like "reCapcha v1 is SHUTDOWN" in the answer box and it worked. This is no longer the case.
  2. Dan200 has been a little inactive with things relating to computercraft, he appears to be pursuing other projects. (Which is good)

So is there any workaround? I don't think Dan200 will be fixing the site anytime soon, because he appears to be pursuing other projects. Is there a greasemonkey script or an extension or something i can use to bypass the now nonexistent CAPTCHA?

Lupus590 commented 4 years ago

Not fully on topic, but Dan if you read this can you please assign another admin to the site? Lyqyd is still semi active, bombloke a bit more and SquidDev is practically the replacement you. Can you please formally hand over stewardship of this community if you want to move on from us instead of dropping us?

Lupus590 commented 4 years ago

On topic, new forums are WIP. For now you can use the discord to communicate with the community.


Edit: new forums have been in a good state for a while: https://forums.computercraft.cc/index.php

nift4 commented 4 years ago
