dan200 / ComputerCraft

Programmable Computers for Minecraft
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[suggest] for CraftOS #622

Open gameplays12303 opened 10 months ago

gameplays12303 commented 10 months ago

i have been having some trouble with getting the absolute position of a window i have added some code to the window.get-position i was wondering if this may do this function window.get_abs_Position() local posx,posy = 1,1 if parent..get_abs_Position then posx,posy = parent..get_abs_Position() end return nX+posx-1, nY+posy-1 end yes i check it works with backwards capability it will not break a program it work with lua in both outside and inside the multi-shell that means with and without the menu bar if it doesn't pass here i will not be asking CC:Tweaked to implement it for backwards reasons

gameplays12303 commented 10 months ago

i need to comeback later and put in the zip files of the programs that need to be replaced these will contain the code for your system it's getting late for me i should have this done by tomorrow after noon

Lupus590 commented 10 months ago

This repo is dead and (other than people making issues/PRs) has had no activity for years. CC:Tweaked is the defacto continuation of the mod so all suggestions should directly go to there.

vico93 commented 10 months ago

Link for convenience: https://github.com/cc-tweaked/CC-Tweaked

gameplays12303 commented 10 months ago

thanks i for telling me i new computer craft wasn't being updated but wanted to make sure