dan5py / turborepo-shadcn-ui

Turborepo starter with shadcn/ui pre-configured.
MIT License
466 stars 89 forks source link

pnpm lint command error #27

Closed mzavattaro closed 2 months ago

mzavattaro commented 2 months ago

Hi @dan5py good repo and it's on its way to being a great starting point for projects!

A couple things of note.

When running pnpm lint I see it throws an error:

> turborepo-shadcn-ui@1.2.1 lint /Users/michaelzavattaro/Developer/test-turbo/turborepo-shadcn-ui
> turbo lint

• Packages in scope: @repo/eslint-config, @repo/typescript-config, @repo/ui, docs
• Running lint in 4 packages
• Remote caching disabled
@repo/ui:lint: cache hit, replaying logs 589e04928081172e
@repo/ui:lint: > @repo/ui@0.0.0 lint /Users/michaelzavattaro/Developer/test-turbo/turborepo-shadcn-ui/packages/ui
@repo/ui:lint: > eslint .
docs:lint: cache miss, executing 002ae449ef3d2771
docs:lint: > docs@1.0.0 lint /Users/michaelzavattaro/Developer/test-turbo/turborepo-shadcn-ui/apps/docs
docs:lint: > eslint . --max-warnings 0
docs:lint: /Users/michaelzavattaro/Developer/test-turbo/turborepo-shadcn-ui/apps/docs/next.config.mjs
docs:lint:   0:0  error  Parsing error: ESLint was configured to run on `<tsconfigRootDir>/next.config.mjs` using `parserOptions.project`: <tsconfigRootDir>/tsconfig.json
docs:lint: However, that TSConfig does not include this file. Either:
docs:lint: - Change ESLint's list of included files to not include this file
docs:lint: - Change that TSConfig to include this file
docs:lint: - Create a new TSConfig that includes this file and include it in your parserOptions.project
docs:lint: See the typescript-eslint docs for more info: https://typescript-eslint.io/linting/troubleshooting#i-get-errors-telling-me-eslint-was-configured-to-run--however-that-tsconfig-does-not--none-of-those-tsconfigs-include-this-file
docs:lint: /Users/michaelzavattaro/Developer/test-turbo/turborepo-shadcn-ui/apps/docs/postcss.config.mjs
docs:lint:   0:0  error  Parsing error: ESLint was configured to run on `<tsconfigRootDir>/postcss.config.mjs` using `parserOptions.project`: <tsconfigRootDir>/tsconfig.json
docs:lint: However, that TSConfig does not include this file. Either:
docs:lint: - Change ESLint's list of included files to not include this file
docs:lint: - Change that TSConfig to include this file
docs:lint: - Create a new TSConfig that includes this file and include it in your parserOptions.project
docs:lint: See the typescript-eslint docs for more info: https://typescript-eslint.io/linting/troubleshooting#i-get-errors-telling-me-eslint-was-configured-to-run--however-that-tsconfig-does-not--none-of-those-tsconfigs-include-this-file
docs:lint: ✖ 2 problems (2 errors, 0 warnings)
docs:lint:  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
docs:lint: ERROR: command finished with error: command (/Users/michaelzavattaro/Developer/test-turbo/turborepo-shadcn-ui/apps/docs) /opt/homebrew/bin/pnpm run lint exited (1)
docs#lint: command (/Users/michaelzavattaro/Developer/test-turbo/turborepo-shadcn-ui/apps/docs) /opt/homebrew/bin/pnpm run lint exited (1)

 Tasks:    1 successful, 2 total
Cached:    1 cached, 2 total
  Time:    1.715s 
Failed:    docs#lint

 ERROR  run failed: command  exited (1)
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

I was able to fix this by adding "**/*.mjs", to apps/docs/tsconfig.json.

Another thing I noticed is that the linting doesn't work at all out of the box. Not sure how to fix this, if there's specific VSCode settings to support this setup?


dan5py commented 2 months ago

Hi @mzavattaro, I'm fixing some issues today, this one too. For the linting on VSCode (if you want something visual rather then just a cli script), you can use the official ESLint extension by Microsoft. (Marketplace link)