Hey, great library, it's been really helpful. Thanks for sharing it.
I'm having issues using the ui script inside the ui package to add components. I think it may have something to do with pnpm dlx - I'm used to yarn and npm so perhaps I need to configure pnpm globally for this command to work? Not really sure.
Inside the ui package root dir, I ran this command: pnpm ui add aspect-ratio
The gist of the error was: Command failed with ENOENT: shadcn-ui add aspect-ratio
If there was some initial setup/config required to get the CLI commands to work with pnpm dlx, it might be a good idea to add that info in the README in case others run into the same issue (seems like a common issue)
I was able to add components just fine using the CLI with the npx command from the docs: npx shadcn@latest add aspect-ratio, but I was curious how you got the CLI to work with the pnpm command.
Hey, great library, it's been really helpful. Thanks for sharing it.
I'm having issues using the ui script inside the ui package to add components. I think it may have something to do with pnpm dlx - I'm used to yarn and npm so perhaps I need to configure pnpm globally for this command to work? Not really sure.
Inside the ui package root dir, I ran this command:
pnpm ui add aspect-ratio
The gist of the error was:
Command failed with ENOENT: shadcn-ui add aspect-ratio
If there was some initial setup/config required to get the CLI commands to work with pnpm dlx, it might be a good idea to add that info in the README in case others run into the same issue (seems like a common issue)
I was able to add components just fine using the CLI with the npx command from the docs:
npx shadcn@latest add aspect-ratio
, but I was curious how you got the CLI to work with the pnpm command.