danBhentschel / CGSpunk

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Error in game log display #59

Closed danBhentschel closed 7 years ago

danBhentschel commented 7 years ago

Tiramon 05:18PM the 'Game log' just shows those tabs without any log content and matchGameLog.html:1 Error in event handler for (unknown): TypeError: Cannot read property 'trim' of null at getStdinFromStderr (chrome-extension://bkmddelokmckldmgeeiheohknodgaphi/scripts/matchGameLogDialog.js:70:21) at showLogData (chrome-extension://bkmddelokmckldmgeeiheohknodgaphi/scripts/matchGameLogDialog.js:28:25) at chrome.runtime.sendMessage.gameLog (chrome-extension://bkmddelokmckldmgeeiheohknodgaphi/scripts/matchGameLogDialog.js:8:9)