dana-at-cp / backdoor-apk

backdoor-apk is a shell script that simplifies the process of adding a backdoor to any Android APK file. Users of this shell script should have working knowledge of Linux, Bash, Metasploit, Apktool, the Android SDK, smali, etc. This shell script is provided as-is without warranty of any kind and is intended for educational purposes only.
Apache License 2.0
2.17k stars 699 forks source link

I tried everything possible, but the error does not go away. help me please. #131

Closed Djon253 closed 6 years ago

Djon253 commented 6 years ago

root@kali:~/backdoor-apk/backdoor-apk# ./backdoor-apk.sh cleanmaster.apk

     / ______ \
     || _  _ ||
     ||| || |||          AAAAAA   PPPPPPP   KKK  KKK
     |||_||_|||         AAA  AAA  PPP  PPP  KKK KKK
     || _  _o|| (o)     AAA  AAA  PPP  PPP  KKKKKK
     ||| || |||         AAAAAAAA  PPPPPPPP  KKK KKK
     |||_||_|||         AAA  AAA  PPP       KKK  KKK
     ||______||         AAA  AAA  PPP       KKK  KKK

____|__|__ /____\ |____| Dana James Traversie

[] Running backdoor-apk.sh v0.2.3 on Sat Apr 14 18:53:49 EDT 2018 [+] Android payload options: 1) meterpreter/reverse_http 4) shell/reverse_http 2) meterpreter/reverse_https 5) shell/reverse_https 3) meterpreter/reverse_tcp 6) shell/reverse_tcp [?] Please select an Android payload option: 3 [?] Please enter an LHOST value: [?] Please enter an LPORT value: 4444 [+] Android manifest permission options: 1) Keep original 2) Merge with payload and shuffle [?] Please select an Android manifest permission option: 2 [+] Handle the payload via resource script: msfconsole -r backdoor-apk.rc [] Generating RAT APK file...done. [] Decompiling original APK file...done. [] Decompiling RAT APK file...done. [] Merging permissions of original and payload projects...done. [] Running proguard on RAT APK file...done. [] Decompiling obfuscated RAT APK file...done. [] Creating new directories in original project for RAT smali files...done. [] Copying RAT smali files to new directories in original project...done. [] Fixing RAT smali files...done. [] Obfuscating const-string values in RAT smali files...done. [] Locating smali file to hook in original project...done. [*] Adding hook in original smali file..../backdoor-apk.sh: line 85: [: too many arguments done. [!] Failed to add hook

dana-at-cp commented 6 years ago

@Djon253 Are you working with a legit APK from the Google store? If not, there are so many things that could be wrong with the APK that it cannot be supported.

Try a known good APK and see if the problem persists.