dana-at-cp / backdoor-apk

backdoor-apk is a shell script that simplifies the process of adding a backdoor to any Android APK file. Users of this shell script should have working knowledge of Linux, Bash, Metasploit, Apktool, the Android SDK, smali, etc. This shell script is provided as-is without warranty of any kind and is intended for educational purposes only.
Apache License 2.0
2.17k stars 699 forks source link

when using backdoor-apk to backdoor facebook_lite.apk a error comes saying #156

Closed RFHACKE closed 5 years ago

RFHACKE commented 5 years ago

when using backdoor-apk to backdoor facebook_lite.apk a error comes saying:failed to locate smali file to hook

RFHACKE commented 5 years ago

failed to locate smali file to hook

RFHACKE commented 5 years ago

please replay fast

empt1xo commented 5 years ago

same issue as https://github.com/dana-at-cp/backdoor-apk/issues/75

dana-at-cp commented 5 years ago

@RFHACKE Did the APK originate from the Google Play Store?

almasvhora77 commented 5 years ago

same issue with me failed to find smali to hook

RFHACKE commented 5 years ago

no it did not originate from play store

RFHACKE commented 5 years ago

wait.it is not only giving this error with facebook lite etc apk.it is giving this error with all the apks.please fix this fast

RFHACKE commented 5 years ago
     / ______ \
     || _  _ ||
     ||| || |||          AAAAAA   PPPPPPP   KKK  KKK
     |||_||_|||         AAA  AAA  PPP  PPP  KKK KKK
     || _  _o|| (o)     AAA  AAA  PPP  PPP  KKKKKK
     ||| || |||         AAAAAAAA  PPPPPPPP  KKK KKK
     |||_||_|||         AAA  AAA  PPP       KKK  KKK
     ||______||         AAA  AAA  PPP       KKK  KKK

____|__|__ /____\ |____| Dana James Traversie

[] Running backdoor-apk.sh v0.2.4a on Thu Oct 18 12:08:42 EDT 2018 [+] Android payload options: 1) meterpreter/reverse_http 4) shell/reverse_http 2) meterpreter/reverse_https 5) shell/reverse_https 3) meterpreter/reverse_tcp 6) shell/reverse_tcp [?] Please select an Android payload option: 3 [?] Please enter an LHOST value: [?] Please enter an LPORT value: 5555 [+] Android manifest permission options: 1) Keep original 2) Merge with payload and shuffle [?] Please select an Android manifest permission option: 2 [+] Handle the payload via resource script: msfconsole -r backdoor-apk.rc [] Decompiling original APK file...done. [!] Failed to decompile original APK file

wow!another error also appears

RFHACKE commented 5 years ago

replay fast.i request you to fix these error.please fix them

dana-at-cp commented 5 years ago

@RFHACKE @empt1xo @almasvhora77 Have you tried the APK files included in the third-party/APKs folder?

empt1xo commented 5 years ago

@dana-at-cp yeah i still get the same error.

dana-at-cp commented 5 years ago

@empt1xo That is very strange and doesn't make much sense. Can you share the relevant run.log file?

wmxuan666 commented 3 years ago

It may be a problem with /. When I put the apk file in the directory specified by the current terminal, this kind of error will not occur

For example: ./backdoor-apk.sh XXX.apk