danaj191 / STAT545_HWs_James_Dana

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hw04 ready for grading #3

Open danaj191 opened 7 years ago

nbendriem commented 7 years ago

Hey Dana,

Your homework assignment looks great! You completed both activities with tables and a consequent graph to illustrate the results.

Activity 1:

Your two graphs of Life Expectancy and Soy harvests for Brazil are wonderful. Very easy to read. I also liked that you explain each step as you go through it, especially since this was a “choose your own activity” type of homework and not everyone had to do the same steps you did.

Activity 2:

Very well done using the spread function to move Brazil and Canada from rows to columns. Your graph also looks great and is easy to follow, and you explained your steps very effectively.


It would be helpful to make individual folders for each homework assignment. The links are wonderful and can direct the reviewer to the right document but it would make your homework folder less cluttered and more organized.

You mentioned you tried to use the knitr::kable() function for your table of Canada and Brazil using the spread function as well. Have you tried simply using kable()? That seems to work for me when im using R Studio. I switch to kable(format=”html”) when I am done on R studio and ready to knit an html file and it seems to work well when looking at the .md file.

You can add a title to your graphs and tables (purely aesthetic) using ggtitle or in the kable function, you can add caption=”TITLE”

Did you create the new dataframe using R or excel? I ended up using Excel and saving it as a csv file to upload it to R but I am curious as to how easy it is to use R Studio, in case that's the method you chose.

Did you use any resources outside of the class notes? There is a great cheatsheet that I found very helpful especially when dealing with the different join options



dorawyy commented 7 years ago

Hi Dana,

Glad to review your assignment4. Overall I think you did good work:

For Activity1 of General data reshaping and relationship to aggregation:

For Activity2 of Join, merge, look up part:

Here are some friendly suggestions:

I do feel it is reasonable to use eom_line() , however, it could be better if you also include the scatterplot to satisfy the assignment requirement;


derekcho commented 6 years ago

Hi @danaj191, here are some comments about your hw04:

Your grade will be emailed to you at a later date.