danbee / persephone

macOS MPD client written in Swift.
MIT License
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Albums are shown once for every year a track is tagged #43

Closed clauseggers closed 4 years ago

clauseggers commented 4 years ago

The albums are shown once for every unique year a track in said album is tagged. Screenshot.

danbee commented 4 years ago

Hmmm... this is interesting, but not totally unexpected behaviour based on how I'm fetching albums. I'm curious though, why are different tracks in a single album tagged with different years?

This looks like a simple fix though, so expect it to make its way into 0.16.0-alpha.

danbee commented 4 years ago

Actually, I think I can get this fix out in a 0.15.2 release tomorrow.

clauseggers commented 4 years ago

In compilations tracks are most often from different years (at least that is how I tag them. Tagging them with the year of release is not useful information, and if anything misleading and confusing.)

danbee commented 4 years ago

So the interesting thing about that is that I'm displaying a release year in the album detail view. This will currently come from the first track of the album. Should I be dealing with this a different way? Perhaps I could hide the year unless all the tracks are tagged the same.

danbee commented 4 years ago

@clauseggers Here is a pre-alpha with the fix made for this. Please try it and let me know how it works for you.

Note: The version in the about box has not been updated but the build number should be 323.


clauseggers commented 4 years ago

Music.app shows the last year of all the tracks in the album view. I would either show no year or the span, eg. 1987–1998 in these cases.

danbee commented 4 years ago

The span is a good idea. I'll add that to the backlog.

danbee commented 4 years ago

@clauseggers Did this build work ok for you?

clauseggers commented 4 years ago

I’m using the 0.15.2 from the homepage, and so far so good. Thanks!