danbee / persephone

macOS MPD client written in Swift.
MIT License
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Feature: support "Now Playing" system indicator #82

Open 00dani opened 3 years ago

00dani commented 3 years ago

As far as I can tell there's currently no way to make mpd a "Now Playable" application on MacOS. This is a problem because if there is no "Now Playable" app active, then the system unavoidably defaults to Apple's own Music.app, which I never want to use. It automatically opens Music.app when Bluetooth headphones are connected, for example, rather than resuming mpd playback.

I'm not especially familiar with MacOS-specific app development, but I looked up Becoming a Now Playable App in Apple's documentation and it doesn't look too complicated? 🤔

(Sorry for posting an incomplete issue and then editing it to actually have a full description. I hit the wrong key, I think. 😳 )

danbee commented 3 years ago

@00dani Thanks for this, I didn't even know it was a thing!

l2dy commented 3 years ago

I think this is basically https://github.com/danbee/persephone/pull/77?

00dani commented 3 years ago

@l2dy It looks like it might be! I'm not entirely certain #77 does all that's necessary to become Now Playable - the sample project Apple provides seems to extend from a NowPlayable interface that isn't used in #77 for example - but it's at least very close? 🤔