danbee / persephone

macOS MPD client written in Swift.
MIT License
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Persephone with forked-daapd #84

Open bendschs opened 3 years ago

bendschs commented 3 years ago

i am trying to use Persephone together with forked-daapd's internal mpd: https://github.com/ejurgensen/forked-daapd .

it work‘s fine so far, can connect and control playback, only the cover-art is not being transmitted to the client (i only see grey discs). any clue, why this is not working (i am on catalina 10.15.7)?

on the other hand it would love to see a feature to select the sound output. similar to https://github.com/CDrummond/cantata. i prefer the design of persephone over the one of cantata and would actually like to switch, but choosing sound output is a key feature for my setting.

compliments on the very nice project!

cheers bendsch

danbee commented 3 years ago

@bendschs Persephone uses a relatively new feature of the MPD protocol to load album art directly from the MPD server itself. forked-daapd only implements a subset of the MPD protocol and it's likely this particular feature is missing.

Output switching is in the backlog!