danbooru / danbooru

A taggable image board written in Rails.
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IQDB is broken #4097

Closed BrokenEagle closed 5 years ago

BrokenEagle commented 5 years ago

Currently getting the following exception on Danbooru.

NoMethodError exception raised
undefined method `map' for #<String:0x00005642a81accc8> Did you mean? tap

app/logical/iqdb_proxy.rb:13:in `decorate_posts'
app/logical/iqdb_proxy.rb:9:in `query'
app/controllers/iqdb_queries_controller.rb:8:in `show'

The following is what I got when using the actual IQDB queries page. https://danbooru.donmai.us/iqdb_queries -> https://karasuma.donmai.us/similar

Errno::ECONNREFUSED at /similar
Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 4000
file: server.rb location: initialize line: 23

Looks like it's because Karasuma is down or something.

r888888888 commented 5 years ago

The IQDB service was down. I've restarted it.

fredgido commented 5 years ago

But now most pictures are not getting indexed.