danbooru / danbooru

A taggable image board written in Rails.
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Way to undo replacements from inside the site #4628

Open nonamethanks opened 3 years ago

nonamethanks commented 3 years ago

It just occurred to me that there's no way for mods to undo replacements, unless I've missed some hidden way to do so. Not sure if admins have in-site tools, or if they have to do DB magics to restore replacements, but having a way to undo them in-browser would be quite useful in case of mistakes. Something as simple as an "undo" in the replacements page, like https://danbooru.donmai.us/post_replacements?search%5Bpost_id%5D=2226388 would suffice. Gelbooru has copies of almost each original file we have, but for example they don't save comics, so those don't have any easily accessible backup.

Not that I've needed it so far, but you never know...

luni3359 commented 3 years ago

If the feature does already exist, it should indeed be made available to mods.