dancoster / DrugLab

Repository for the drug<>lab pair
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MIMIC - Evaluate Drug Forward Prediction #51

Open dancoster opened 2 months ago

dancoster commented 2 months ago
dancoster commented 1 month ago

nRMSE plot - per each lab measurement (e.g. Glocose): X-axis - signficant drugs (with low p-value of drug lab pair) Y-Axis - nRMSE Per each drug, generate bar per each imputation methods (ffill, median, mean, drug forward).

do the same for RMSE

rfeinsod commented 1 month ago

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rfeinsod commented 1 month ago

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I must admit that they look kind of off, what do you think?

dancoster commented 1 month ago

Agree, which drug<>labs pairs were used for the imputation?

rfeinsod commented 3 weeks ago

I finally got the aupr/auc to run well

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dancoster commented 3 weeks ago


dancoster commented 3 weeks ago


dancoster commented 3 weeks ago
rfeinsod commented 2 weeks ago

Pairs That were used are attached


Input characteristics: These runs were done on 1000 patients. In the specific subset that the above figures were generated for - target was False for all. I didn't conduct 5-fold cross validation here

The tests were conducted on 100 patients from the output of the function new_load_data.

dancoster commented 2 weeks ago

(1) I'm pretty sure that the imputation is not working on more than one MED per Lab. Can you please double check if that happens? (2) Please re run the function with 10,000 patients (obviously no model can learn were all the target are from the same class, i.e., False) (3) I'm pretty sure that 5-crossfold validation was conducted, because the box plots represent the AUROC/AUPR on each fold (of the 5 cross-fold validation). (4) What do you mean by 'The tests were conducted on 100 patients from the output of the function new_load_data.'?

rfeinsod commented 2 weeks ago

1) Uploaded the RMSE results from last week - Note that results are generated for several labs per med


2) Rerunning - will probably run all night 3) I'll check it out 4) I meant that while there was some processing done, no additional filtering was conducted. Meaning this was run on a subset of all patients

rfeinsod commented 1 week ago

2) Attached are additional graphs from re-running the RMSE/nRMSE on 10k patients with a min patient value of 1k. Please note that this was run on a smaller selection of pairs (because of the higher min patient value).

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rfeinsod commented 1 week ago

3) My mistake- kflod validation as done as part auc/aupr generation.

dancoster commented 1 week ago

[1] My question was related to the AUPR/AURPC calculation (were more than one type of drug can affect a lab measurement, that's relate to the relevant pairs.csv ). 'df_results_rmse_2024-08-16_14-40-45.csv' is related to RMSE/nRMSE calculation. Check how lab measurement is being imputed when more than one drug has been given. and run rsults AUPR/AUROC. [3] Let's disscuss -done [6] Create RMSE plot:

dancoster commented 1 week ago
rfeinsod commented 1 week ago

RMSE can be run succesfully on any variable. For Example on all here

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dancoster commented 1 week ago

[1] Check how lab measurement is being imputed when more than one drug has been given. Than clarify which pairs were used when AUPR/AUROC run.