It seems there is a problem with replying_to not getting sorted out. I have checked some jekyll staticman v2 enabled blogs and I see the _parent is used for the _parent and _id sorting and it works. I then see the new staticman v3 used _parent for the url and not the parent id. |
| date | 2019-09-13T10:45:39.907Z |
Dear human,
Here's a new entry for your approval. :tada:
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:heart: Your friend Staticman :muscle:
It seems there is a problem with replying_to not getting sorted out. I have checked some jekyll staticman v2 enabled blogs and I see the _parent is used for the _parent and _id sorting and it works. I then see the new staticman v3 used _parent for the url and not the parent id. | | date | 2019-09-13T10:45:39.907Z |