dandelion / dandelion-datatables

Dandelion component for DataTables
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Input filter not showing because of style="display: none;" #314

Open spanishkangaroo opened 8 years ago

spanishkangaroo commented 8 years ago

I have a table like the following:

<table id="tarjetaTableId" dt:table="true" dt:url="@{/tarjeta}"
                dt:serverSide="true" dt:processing="true"
                        <th dt:property="tarjetaId">Id</th>
                        <th dt:property="tns">TNS</th>
                        <th dt:property="tfc">Fecha caducidad</th>
                        <th dt:property="tfc" dt:renderFunction="toDate">Fecha

but the input pagination elements do not appear as the page renders as the following: <div class="dataTables_paginate paging_input" id="tarjetaTableId_paginate" style="display: none;"><span class="paginate_button first disabled">First</span><span class="paginate_button previous disabled" id="tarjetaTableId_previous">Previous</span><span class="paginate_page">Page </span><input class="paginate_input" type="text"><span class="paginate_of"> of 72842</span><span class="paginate_button next" id="tarjetaTableId_next">Next</span><span class="paginate_button last" id="tarjetaTableId_last">Last</span></div>

I don't know where this style="display: none;" comes from.

Could you please tell why is this happening and how could I make the pagination elements appear?