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usage stats on dataset pages #105

Open carsen-stringer opened 11 months ago

carsen-stringer commented 11 months ago

Proposed change

number of citations and/or number of downloads for a dataset would be useful information on a dataset's homepage (sorry if I missed this). also it would be nice to have an easy way to export the citation as bibtex might be nice for computational users to encourage citation (many of us use latex).

Alternative options

link to google scholar page for a dataset can show citations, e.g. like this one https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&hl=en&cites=1565589088577793300

Who would use this feature?

I think dataset sharers could use this info to bolster their grant applications, to show they are collecting useful/unique/rigorous datasets

(Optional): Suggest a solution

yarikoptic commented 11 months ago

Meanwhile I propose you a generic (not dandi specific) feature of doi.org to use -- request desired citation record directly from them. My bash (or zsh?) script I use daily:

doiref () {
    doi=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's,https*://.*doi\.org/,,g') 
    noglob curl --silent -L -d "" --header "Accept: application/x-bibtex; charset=utf-8" https://doi.org/$doi | sed -e 's,%2F,/,g' | xclip -i
    xclip -o


❯ doiref https://doi.org/10.48324/dandi.000055/0.220127.0436
  doi = {10.48324/DANDI.000055/0.220127.0436},
  url = {https://dandiarchive.org/dandiset/000055/0.220127.0436},
  author = {Peterson, Steven M. and Singh, Satpreet H. and Dichter, Benjamin and Rao, Rajesh P. N. and Brunton, Bingni W.},
  title = {AJILE12: Long-term naturalistic human intracranial neural recordings and pose},
  publisher = {DANDI Archive},
  year = {2022}

and that bibtex is in my clipboard ready to be pasted