dandruff / xCT

A light weight scrolling combat text implementation.
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Spam filter not working correctly with Dual wield attacks #25

Closed Gorexar closed 11 years ago

Gorexar commented 11 years ago

Hello, i was trying out this edit for XCT and the first thing i noticed was it has an issue with counting Attacks made with an offhand into the spam filter, such as Whirlwind, Bladestorm, as well as Raging blow when i custom added it to the spam filter, it does however work perfectly fine for these abilities if you are Not dual wielding, otherwise you get X lines of Whirlwind hits, followed by whirlwind hit for #####x15 same thing goes for bladestorm and RB bladestorm has insane spam, 10-30 lines of single instances of damage, followed up by #####X26

also i noticed the spam filter, has roughly a 2.5-5 second delay on displaying the damage

Cimplex commented 11 years ago

Hey Gorexar,

Which xCT+ branch are you using?

Also, make sure you are adding both the Main-Hand spell ID and the Off-Hand spell ID (most abilities have two different spell IDs, one for each hand). Both versions of xCT+ do not have the ability to merge different spell ID's together, meaning the main-hand cannot be merged with the off-hand. Hopefully, I will be updating xCT+ version 3 to handle this in the future.

Gorexar commented 11 years ago

i'm using 2.5.3 release, ill find the offhand spell id's and add them in to reduce the massive spam from bladestorm and whirlwind, on a side note is there a reason for the 3-5 second delay in calculating the damage of an AOE attack, such as Heroic leap?

PS looking forward to version 3, its a great addon.

Cimplex commented 11 years ago

Right. The 3 second delay is caused by the way the merger works. (This is exactly how the original xCT worked):

This is actually a great way to do it for DoTs since they are not very important. This is however a horrible way to do it for instant AoE spells like Swipe and Heroic Leap. That is why, in version 3, you will be able to tell xCT+ a maximum merge time. So that Heroic Leap gets merged faster than a DoT. Keep your fingers crossed. I am almost done with version 3.

Gorexar commented 11 years ago

thanks for the explanation, ill snag version 3 as soon as it is out!