Closed Gorexar closed 11 years ago
Hey Gorexar,
Which xCT+ branch are you using?
Also, make sure you are adding both the Main-Hand spell ID and the Off-Hand spell ID (most abilities have two different spell IDs, one for each hand). Both versions of xCT+ do not have the ability to merge different spell ID's together, meaning the main-hand cannot be merged with the off-hand. Hopefully, I will be updating xCT+ version 3 to handle this in the future.
i'm using 2.5.3 release, ill find the offhand spell id's and add them in to reduce the massive spam from bladestorm and whirlwind, on a side note is there a reason for the 3-5 second delay in calculating the damage of an AOE attack, such as Heroic leap?
PS looking forward to version 3, its a great addon.
Right. The 3 second delay is caused by the way the merger works. (This is exactly how the original xCT worked):
This is actually a great way to do it for DoTs since they are not very important. This is however a horrible way to do it for instant AoE spells like Swipe and Heroic Leap. That is why, in version 3, you will be able to tell xCT+ a maximum merge time. So that Heroic Leap gets merged faster than a DoT. Keep your fingers crossed. I am almost done with version 3.
thanks for the explanation, ill snag version 3 as soon as it is out!
Hello, i was trying out this edit for XCT and the first thing i noticed was it has an issue with counting Attacks made with an offhand into the spam filter, such as Whirlwind, Bladestorm, as well as Raging blow when i custom added it to the spam filter, it does however work perfectly fine for these abilities if you are Not dual wielding, otherwise you get X lines of Whirlwind hits, followed by whirlwind hit for #####x15 same thing goes for bladestorm and RB bladestorm has insane spam, 10-30 lines of single instances of damage, followed up by #####X26
also i noticed the spam filter, has roughly a 2.5-5 second delay on displaying the damage