danduncan / HappyNet

Convolutional neural network that does real-time emotion recognition. HappyNet detects faces in video and images, classifies the emotion on each face, then replaces each face with the correct emoji for that emotion. Based on Caffe and the "Emotions in the Wild" network available on Caffe model zoo.
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Missing video-creation files #1

Open derblub opened 8 years ago

derblub commented 8 years ago

Hi there!
Seems like you missed some files - would be nice if you could push them too:

    video_generate.py  - Run HappyNet in real-time and save output to video
    video_test.py      - Run HappyNet in real-time; does not save to video

Thanks in advance!

pixelsandcandy commented 8 years ago


Looking for these files as well. Any update?


Darinyazanr commented 7 years ago

Yes,these files maybe is important for me,Any update for us?

poerlan commented 7 years ago

From The HappyNet.pdf https://github.com/danduncan/HappyNet/blob/master/doc/HappyNet.pdf

Our project was implemented under Python 2.7 and the source code can be downloaded from a github repository [19]. [19] https://github.com/GautamShine/emotion-conv-net

https://github.com/GautamShine/emotion-conv-net have video_test.py