daneden / basehold.it

A quick, painless, Javascript-free baseline overlay.
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Feature request: Subdivisions #20

Open jeroenransijn opened 11 years ago

jeroenransijn commented 11 years ago

In an earlier post, someone wanted the feature for subdivisions. I would like to propose something similar.

When I design with PS, I use almost always a baseline overlay — using a pattern. For example a 20px baseline with a 10px subdivision which is about 50% transparant. This is basically having two baselines, but this is very useful for aligning.

I hope this can be a feature. Not sure about the api for this, but this could be something like it: /40/ no subdivision /40-10/ 10px subdivision /24-8/ 8px subdivision

Or consider the subdivision as an offset: /40-10/ only one extra baseline with an offset of 10px from the main baseline /40-10-20-30/ three extra baselines 10px apart

Just my 2c.

~ Jeroen

patrickplaggenborg commented 3 years ago

Looking for the exact same thing, 8 years later ;-)