daneoshiga / django-oscar-pagseguro

PagSeguro integration for django-oscar e-commerce
MIT License
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Python 3 / Django 2 compatibility #7

Open diogobaeder opened 4 years ago

diogobaeder commented 4 years ago


I have two questions, actually:

  1. Is this library still being maintained? Because I'm setting up a store with django-oscar and I'll need to integrate it with PagSeguro, so I'm deciding on either using this library or implementing it myself (depending on whether or not this library is still maintained);
  2. Are there any plans to update it for compatibility with Python 3 and Django 2.x or even 3.x? Given Python 2's EOL right around the corner, I think it would be a good idea to update it.

Please let me know if you're still interested in keeping the lib up, in which case I can help providing a merge request with the updates.

Thanks, Diogo

daneoshiga commented 4 years ago

@diogobaeder Hi Diogo, thanks for the interest, as for your questions:

Actually no, I've stopped using it myself then I haven't provided any updates to it in a while.

If you're interested in updating it to your use-case, I'd be happy to review-merge your PRs.

Thanks again o/