danfenghong / IEEE_TPAMI_SpectralGPT

Hong, D., Zhang, B., Li, X., Li, Y., Li, C., Yao, J., Yokoya, N., Li, H., Ghamisi, P., Jia, X., Plaza, A. and Gamba, P., Benediktsson, J., Chanussot, J. (2024). SpectralGPT: Spectral remote sensing foundation model. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024. DOI:10.1109/TPAMI.2024.3362475.
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Duplicate segmunich #12

Open robmarkcole opened 4 months ago

robmarkcole commented 4 months ago

I note also the version on https://zenodo.org/records/8412455 which seems to be smaller at 1.4GB vs the 7GB version from huggingface