danfis / libccd

Library for collision detection between two convex shapes
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Question: EPA Position Computation #73

Open psclklnk opened 3 years ago

psclklnk commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

first of all thanks for this brilliant library! I am looking into the problem of collision detection for a project I am working on, specifically focusing on EPA. After looking up the original papers in which EPA was proposed, I still am a bit puzzled about the computation of the contact position, as it was not described in the seminal paper [1] and I also couldn't find any precise description of what is the principle behind this computation.

Looking into the code, it seems like an average over the support points from both objects is computed for the half of the vertices in the polytope closest to the origin:


Without explicitly knowing what's going on, this sounds like it computes some average between the two object boundaries. For what I have in mind it would be interesting to compute two individual points where each point is on the boundary of one object. If I understand the EPA algorithm correctly, these two points should then be joined by the direction return by EPA times the computed penetration depth (obviously with some approximation error).

My gut feeling (and one plot I investigated for some simple shapes) told me that I would need to compute

p_1 = pos + 0.5 depth dir p_2 = pos - 0.5 depth dir

where pos, depth and dir are the values returned by ccdGJKPenetration.

Is this gut feeling correct? If so, can you enlighten me what's going on in the computation of the contact position in EPA? If there is some mathematical formulation of the idea I would be more than happy to read it.

Best regards Pascal

[1] Van Den Bergen, Gino. "Proximity queries and penetration depth computation on 3d game objects." Game developers conference. Vol. 170. 2001.