danfstucky / LeagueSpec

Rails application for League of Legends statistics
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Search for summoner friends and display their information #26

Closed sulaimonlasisi closed 8 years ago

sulaimonlasisi commented 8 years ago

Anyone visiting the LeagueSpec website should be able to search for summoners using their summoner name (search bar) on summoner page. This story is considered complete when:

  1. Any user can search for a summoner name using the search bar (logged in or not).
  2. The search result should be a page/pop-up with summoner's information after clicking the Search Friend button.
  3. Information on the pop up/page should include: a. If the user searching is currently logged in => LoL statistics similar to that on a logged-in user page (profile bio section only) b. If the person searching is not logged in, they should see a pop-up/page including: Summoner Name, Summoner KDR, Summoner WLR and a button asking them to sign up or sign in to see more information.
  4. If summoner name is not available, user should receive appropriate response.
  5. Page/Pop-up should include a button to add friend to returned summoner to Friends' section of profile page.
  6. The prompts and pages in the steps above should be readable and well-styled.
sulaimonlasisi commented 8 years ago

@danfstucky There is a pull request available for this issue