Turbolinks.js is required in the application.js file and it causes submissions to be made to database twice. For database entities that require uniqueness, the submission always returns a failure because on the second submission, the uniqueness constraint would have been violated.
This issue is considered complete when a resolution is reached about turbolinks.js:
Some suggested solutions are to comment out or delete the gem - if and only if it is not used anywhere else, or to make sure html objects that are experiencing problems as a result of turbolink have the data-no-turbolink property in them.
Turbolinks.js is required in the application.js file and it causes submissions to be made to database twice. For database entities that require uniqueness, the submission always returns a failure because on the second submission, the uniqueness constraint would have been violated. This issue is considered complete when a resolution is reached about turbolinks.js: Some suggested solutions are to comment out or delete the gem - if and only if it is not used anywhere else, or to make sure html objects that are experiencing problems as a result of turbolink have the data-no-turbolink property in them.