dangdangdotcom / dubbox

Dubbox now means Dubbo eXtensions, and it adds features like RESTful remoting, Kyro/FST serialization, etc to the Dubbo service framework.
Apache License 2.0
4.9k stars 2.06k forks source link

默认序列化会报警告Hessian/Burlap: calss is an unknown class in WebappClassLoader #366

Open MicroCountry opened 6 years ago

MicroCountry commented 6 years ago

这个错误在服务消费者会出现 2017-11-06 10:06:09 CST api-mall-manage WARN com.alibaba.com.caucho.hessian.io.SerializerFactory 528 getDeserializer - Hessian/Burlap: 'com.mit.service.define.v1.entity.TokenPkg' is an unknown class in WebappClassLoader context: / delegate: false ----------> Parent Classloader: sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader@42a57993 : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mit.service.define.v1.entity.TokenPkg 但是不影响服务正常调用


wuwu955 commented 4 years ago

hi 我也看到过这个日志的 特烦人...

TrillStones commented 3 years ago
