danger / danger-plugin-template

An opinionated template for creating a Danger plugin
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Update .rubocop.yml #20

Closed manicmaniac closed 2 years ago

manicmaniac commented 2 years ago


.rubocop.yml seems outdated and it says like the following error messages when you run bundle exec rake rubocop just after cloned repository then ran ./configure.

Running RuboCop...
.rubocop.yml: Metrics/LineLength has the wrong namespace - should be Layout
.rubocop.yml: Style/FileName has the wrong namespace - should be Naming
/Users/rito/Projects/manicmaniac/danger-foo/.rubocop.yml: Warning: no department given for PercentLiteralDelimiters.
Error: The `Layout/AlignHash` cop has been renamed to `Layout/HashAlignment`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Layout/IndentHash` cop has been renamed to `Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Layout/IndentHeredoc` cop has been renamed to `Layout/HeredocIndentation`.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Style/BracesAroundHashParameters` cop has been removed. Please use  and/or  instead.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
RuboCop failed!


orta commented 2 years ago

Cool, yeah, this all works for me - thanks for the detailed writeup