danger / kotlin

⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review
MIT License
505 stars 50 forks source link

View all format and take certificate #224

Closed Roha911 closed 2 years ago

Roha911 commented 2 years ago


Roha911 commented 2 years ago


Roha911 commented 2 years ago


github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago
:warning: Big PR, try to keep changes smaller if you can
:book: Coroutines checks terminated - runningFor 5.04s
:book: Coroutine 4 terminated in 5000 ms
:book: Coroutine 2 terminated in 3000 ms
:book: Coroutine 3 terminated in 2000 ms
:book: Coroutine 1 terminated in 1000 ms
:book: ✅ Custom plugin successfully linked

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger Kotlin against 6156c1417b63c78952f723b8ef608cd802331f9b