danger / swift

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Danger is not supported on Azure Devops Pipelines #321

Open Zamo22 opened 4 years ago

Zamo22 commented 4 years ago

I have tried to add Danger into my Azure Devops Pipeline Everything is setup but I get this error on danger-swift ci :

Could not find a CI source for this run. Does Danger support this CI service?
Danger supports: FakeCI, GitHubActions, GitLabCI, Travis, Circle, Semaphore, Nevercode, Jenkins, Surf, DockerCloud, Codeship, Drone, Buildkite, BuddyBuild, BuddyWorks, VSTS, Bitrise, TeamCity, Screwdriver, Concourse, Netlify, CodeBuild, Codefresh, AppCenter, BitbucketPipelines and Cirrus.
You may want to consider using `danger pr` to run Danger locally.

It says that it supports VSTS, which has now been renamed to Azure Devops

orta commented 4 years ago

There must have been some changes, you're welcome to wrap up this PR though: https://github.com/danger/danger-js/pull/925