danger / swift

⚠️ Stop saying "you forgot to …" in code review
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Plugins on Marathon crashes since Swift 5.5 #568

Open 417-72KI opened 1 year ago

417-72KI commented 1 year ago


import Danger
import DangerXCodeSummary // package: https://github.com/f-meloni/danger-swift-xcodesummary.git

let danger = Danger()

let x = XCodeSummary(filePath: "output.json") // empty json (only `{}`) file


On Swift 5.4

$ danger-swift pr ~~
Swift version 5.4.3 (swift-5.4.3-RELEASE)
SwiftLint version 0.46.5
danger-js version 11.0.7
danger-swift version 3.12.3

Starting Danger PR on danger/swift#565

Cloning and building inline dependencies: import DangerXCodeSummary // package: https://github.com/f-meloni/danger-swift-xcodesummary.git, this might take some time.
Updating packages...
Using https://github.com/f-meloni/danger-swift-xcodesummary.git latest major:1
Updating packages...

Danger: ✓ passed review, received no feedback.

ℹ️  A new release of danger-swift is available: 3.12.3 -> 3.15.0

>= Swift 5.5

$ danger-swift pr ~~
Swift version 5.5.3 (swift-5.5.3-RELEASE)
SwiftLint version 0.48.0
danger-js version 11.2.2
danger-swift version 3.15.0

Starting Danger PR on danger/swift#565
JIT session error: Symbols not found: [ $s18DangerXCodeSummary0bC0C8filePath13resultsFilterACSS_SbAA6ResultVcSgtcfC, $s18DangerXCodeSummary0bC0CMa ]
Failed to materialize symbols: { (main, { _swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_FoundationNetworking_$__tmp_dangerfile, main, $s15_tmp_dangerfile6danger6Danger0D3DSLVvp, _swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftGlibc_$__tmp_dangerfile, $s15_tmp_dangerfile1x18DangerXCodeSummary0dE0Cvp }) }

Cloning and building inline dependencies: import DangerXCodeSummary // package: https://github.com/f-meloni/danger-swift-xcodesummary.git, this might take some time.
Updating packages...
Using https://github.com/f-meloni/danger-swift-xcodesummary.git latest major:1
Updating packages...
ERROR: Dangerfile eval failed at Dangerfile.swift
ERROR: Could not get the results JSON file at /tmp/danger/571C5686-B3E5-48E9-844F-FD13EB46A7EE/danger-response.json

Danger: ⅹ Failing the build, there is 1 fail.
## Failures
`danger-swift` failed.
## Markdowns
### Log

JIT session error: Symbols not found: [ $s18DangerXCodeSummary0bC0C8filePath13resultsFilterACSS_SbAA6ResultVcSgtcfC, $s18DangerXCodeSummary0bC0CMa ]
Failed to materialize symbols: { (main, { _swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_FoundationNetworking_$__tmp_dangerfile, main, $s15_tmp_dangerfile6danger6Danger0D3DSLVvp, _swift_FORCE_LOAD_$_swiftGlibc_$__tmp_dangerfile, $s15_tmp_dangerfile1x18DangerXCodeSummary0dE0Cvp }) }
Cloning and building inline dependencies: import DangerXCodeSummary // package: https://github.com/f-meloni/danger-swift-xcodesummary.git, this might take some time.
Updating packages...
Using https://github.com/f-meloni/danger-swift-xcodesummary.git latest major:1
Updating packages...
ERROR: Dangerfile eval failed at Dangerfile.swift
ERROR: Could not get the results JSON file at /tmp/danger/571C5686-B3E5-48E9-844F-FD13EB46A7EE/danger-response.json

417-72KI commented 1 year ago


While only importing passes, but since when calling some classes/structs/enums in the module happens this crash.