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"danger-swift edit" no longer works with Swift 5.8 due to the removal of generate-xcodeproj #582

Open jagdeep-manik opened 1 year ago

jagdeep-manik commented 1 year ago

Reproduction Steps:

You'll receive an error along the lines of: ERROR: commandFailed(command: "cd /Users/<username>/.danger-swift/Scripts/Cache/-Users-<username>-Documents-<project>-Dangerfile && /usr/bin/env xcrun --sdk macosx swift package generate-xcodeproj --xcconfig-overrides /var/folders/31/jcw4hfyd6dv_x87s3z8kd9m40000gp/T/config.xcconfig", exitCode: 64, stdout: "", stderr: "error: Unknown subcommand or plugin name \'generate-xcodeproj\'\nUsage: swift package <options> <subcommand>\n See \'package -help\' for more information.\n")

I couldn't find too much information on the command being removed, apart from this comment: https://github.com/apple/swift-package-manager/issues/6640

But if you use swift 5.7.1 tools and run swift help package generate-xcodeproj you'll receive a message saying OVERVIEW: Generates an Xcode project. This command will be deprecated soon., whereas if you use swift 5.8 tools and run swift help package generate-xcodeproj it'll just list the normal "help" message and generate-xcodeproj is no longer listed. So it seems like it was indeed removed.

orta commented 1 year ago

See: https://github.com/danger/swift/pull/566 for WIP on fixing this

pjechris commented 1 year ago

@orta any chance to have a new release soon? can't start testing danger-swift because latest release (3.16.0) does not contain the fix. 🙏

orta commented 1 year ago

/cc @f-meloni

f-meloni commented 1 year ago

I have just released 3.17.0, let me know if it works as expected :)

pjechris commented 1 year ago

@f-meloni it's working, thanks a lot 🙏