dangiu / PicoMemcard

Emulating PSX Memory Card (or controller) using a Raspberry Pi Pico
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use of pico as a ps2 memory card #81

Open psxdev1 opened 3 weeks ago

psxdev1 commented 3 weeks ago

How can i make this work for a 8mb ps2 memory card.

I would like to do this, and it should be possible beings there is the sd2psx but i made several of those and they are bulky and i am ok with 8mb.

dangiu commented 1 week ago

Not possible with the current software. RP2040 does not have enought RAM to cover 8Mb capacity. It will need not only a new software but possibly also new hardare (an additional memory chip maybe, unless I find a cleaver caching mechanisms or something).