dangkh / DataVisu

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Data Visualization Peer Review - Group E #1

Open GitHub-Traveler opened 3 months ago

GitHub-Traveler commented 3 months ago

Data Visualization Peer Review

Overall, I think that the project proposal is fine. It has covered all aspects of the project requirements, as well as planned out all the steps taken to answer the two questions. However, I still have some comments about the project proposal:

LeNguyenNhatMinh commented 3 months ago

In general, your group has presented a proposal that is both detailed and thorough. It has given me a good overview of the project you intend to undertake. The dataset's layout, the posed questions, and your proposed approach are all clearly articulated and straightforward. Nevertheless, I do have 2 comments for you guys as follow:

Question 1 Plan: The approach for analyzing the variation in trash composition over time across different Trash Wheels is well-conceived, particularly the focus on specific types of trash (plastic bottles, polystyrene items, and glass bottles). The plan to use line plots for visualizing trends over time is appropriate, as it will clearly show changes. However, the utility of bar charts or stacked area plots could be further clarified. Stacked area plots, in particular, would be effective for showing the proportion of each trash type within the total volume of collected trash over time, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of composition changes.

Question 2 Plan: The plan to examine seasonal patterns of trash accumulation using line plots or bar charts is suitable, as these visualizations can effectively represent changes over time and differences in accumulation during specific seasons. However, the proposal might benefit from a more explicit strategy for analyzing correlations between weight, volume, and the number of plastic bags, such as using scatter plots or correlation matrices.

tienvu95 commented 3 months ago

Totally agree, it's hard to visualize question 1 with that much data. However, using pie chart cho qn 1 might not be a good choice as well as we don't add up value in row/column to 100%?

dangkh commented 3 months ago

In general, your group has presented a proposal that is both detailed and thorough. It has given me a good overview of the project you intend to undertake. The dataset's layout, the posed questions, and your proposed approach are all clearly articulated and straightforward. Nevertheless, I do have 2 comments for you guys as follow:

Question 1 Plan: The approach for analyzing the variation in trash composition over time across different Trash Wheels is well-conceived, particularly the focus on specific types of trash (plastic bottles, polystyrene items, and glass bottles). The plan to use line plots for visualizing trends over time is appropriate, as it will clearly show changes. However, the utility of bar charts or stacked area plots could be further clarified. Stacked area plots, in particular, would be effective for showing the proportion of each trash type within the total volume of collected trash over time, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of composition changes.

Question 2 Plan: The plan to examine seasonal patterns of trash accumulation using line plots or bar charts is suitable, as these visualizations can effectively represent changes over time and differences in accumulation during specific seasons. However, the proposal might benefit from a more explicit strategy for analyzing correlations between weight, volume, and the number of plastic bags, such as using scatter plots or correlation matrices.

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on our proposal. However, our group doesn't work on Trash.

Once again, thank you for your feedback.

dangkh commented 3 months ago

Data Visualization Peer Review

Overall, I think that the project proposal is fine. It has covered all aspects of the project requirements, as well as planned out all the steps taken to answer the two questions. However, I still have some comments about the project proposal:

  • The gender - spending pattern chart. We do not really know that the timeframe that the data is collected, and even if we know, there's too little data to show the trends of women and men celebrating Valentine with respect to time. So, I'd recommend finding more data on this question for better visualization. It would be nice to get the specific data on men and women celebrating each year.
  • It's the same with the age - spending pattern chart, there too little data with respect to time, in which I'd recommend find the data for each year.
  • I think that stacked bar chart or pie chart should be used in the first question.

We would like to thanks the reviewers for their contributive questions. Your questions are similar to qns from TA team. We would like to refer to https://github.com/dangkh/DataVisu/issues/2 for a detailed answer. Once again, we really appreciate your insight questions.