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2020/03/29/disabling-tabnine-to-improve-ubuntu-performance/ #3

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Disabling TabNine to improve Ubuntu performance - Dan Goldin

My computer is normally fast but occasionally slows down to a crawl. Turns out it's due to the TabNine VS Code extension.


Rohaq commented 3 years ago

I stumbled across this article while looking for other folks with performance issues surrounding TabNine - in my case, the VSCode extension was not only taking up resources, but also causing any linting and prettier rules to take an age to run when saving. Disabling TabNine seems to resolve that.

I should add that this is on Windows 10, rather than Ubuntu. It's a shame, because TabNine can be incredibly useful when it works.

dangoldin commented 3 years ago

Agreed! Glad I'm not the only one and it's unfortunate that it's been having this impact as it's a great extension.

Every once in a while I'll try again with a new version but still hasn't been fully resolved.