danhermes / cognitive-hackathon

Microsoft TEALS Cognitive Hackathon
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Sarahs Review #1 #4

Closed drguthals closed 5 years ago

drguthals commented 5 years ago

Hi Dan!

Here is my first pass at Weeks 1-3. Overall this is great. I've made some minor changes and added in some questions/comments in the form of italics throughout my changed docs.

One structural thing that we're missing is a clear indication of what the teacher should be saying to their students vs what is information for the teacher. I'd also like some indication of what the teacher will be doing when they are saying things to their students. For example, in Week 1, should the teacher just be talking about the examples and then bringing them up on their browser? Do you plan on creating a deck for the teacher to show along with what they are saying?

Could you go through and clearly label what is: