danhett / virago

A lighting controller for Sonia Sabri's "Virago" show
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Neopixel Strip To Be addressable #2

Open jrmedd opened 7 years ago

jrmedd commented 7 years ago

12 'rocks' of 16 pixels, each 'rock' to be addressable

jrmedd commented 7 years ago

Started branch 'wired_controller' to deal with this.


danhett commented 7 years ago

OK this definitely works for a single strip from Processing, and there's no visible latency on colours/brightness. However I do get weird results when I try to ping many at the same time - for example:

for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(controls.staticToggles.get(i).getValue() == 1.0) { strip.write(str(i) + "," + red + "," + green + "," + blue); strip.write(10); } }

This lights up the first three rows as expected, but they have odd colours and don't react. I wonder if the serial comms are flaky from Processing maybe...

jrmedd commented 7 years ago

Putting what I said in a text to Dan earlier, that sending too many messages at once is likely slowing things down. Before now, we've been limiting serial comms to every 5 frames in the Processing sketch.

To remedy this, best approach is probably to assemble a longer string for each block on the length of Neopixels, then send that every 5 frames, rather than a load of separate messages e.g.

'255,255,255 255,255,255 255,255,255...'

It sounds counter-intuitive, but sending 8 shorter serial messages in quick succession every 5 frames will be much slower than one longer one!

danhett commented 7 years ago

OK, so sending a strip of values does with the neopixel square, but not with the full rig. The only change on the arduino side is:

void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) { BLOCK = Serial.parseInt(); RED = Serial.parseInt(); GREEN = Serial.parseInt(); BLUE = Serial.parseInt(); colourBlock(BLOCK, RED, GREEN, BLUE); } }

Presumably this should loop until it's got all of the blocks of four numbers, but doesn't seem to work when using either a mega or an uno?