danhumphrey / Ext.ux.form.SuperBoxSelect

SuperBoxSelect is an extension of the ComboBox component which displays selected items as labelled boxes within the form field
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Search anywhere in text #3

Closed ChrstnMgcn closed 4 weeks ago

ChrstnMgcn commented 1 month ago

Is it possible to allow searching anywhere within the available values rather just the beginning of them?

For instance, on the demo page at https://danhumphrey.github.io/Ext.ux.form.SuperBoxSelect/

Searching for "Virginia" only shows "Virginia", but I'd like for it to also show "West Virginia".

danhumphrey commented 1 month ago

I wrote this code about 15 years ago.....I didn't even know that ExtJS still existed.

I have forgotten more than I remember about this framework, so can't offer a solution except maybe you could add a listener to the beforequery event or override the doQuery method.

Sorry I can't help further.

ChrstnMgcn commented 1 month ago

I completely understand. I have tried to modify the doQuery method with no success. However, it seems like the following would be what I'm looking for, but I have no idea what I'd pass in.

     * @cfg {String|Regex} queryFilterRe Used to filter input values before querying the server, specifically useful when allowAddNewData is true as the filtered portion of the query will be passed to the newItem callback.
    queryFilterRe: '',

Any thoughts on that?

danhumphrey commented 1 month ago

queryFilterRe isn't going to help. Sorry, I think you'll need to override the functionality instead

ChrstnMgcn commented 1 month ago

Ok. I'll attempt overriding it again. I appreciate you getting back to me.