danialfarid / ng-file-upload

Lightweight Angular directive to upload files with optional FileAPI shim for cross browser support
MIT License
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IE9 upload doesn't work, having difficulty parsing debug logs for more info. #1798

Open charlesdeuter opened 7 years ago

charlesdeuter commented 7 years ago
LOG: FlashAPI.state: awaiting 
LOG: (flash -> js).log: storeKey=5090615022050727353072930307296040_2.0.7 
LOG: (flash -> js).log: timeout=0 
LOG: FlashAPI.state: ready 
LOG: FlashAPI.event.mouseenter: [object Object] 
LOG: (js -> flash).multiple: true 
LOG: (js -> flash).onError: Error 
LOG: (js -> flash).accept: art,bm,bmp,dwg,dxf,cbr,cbz,fif,fpx,gif,ico,iefs,jfif,jpe,jpeg,jpg,jps,jut,mcf,nap,nif,pbm,pcx,pgm,pict,pm,png,pnm,qif,qtif,ras,rast,rf,rp,svf,tga,tif,tiff,xbm,xpm,xwd,ART,BM,BMP,DWG,DXF,CBR,CBZ,FIF,FPX,GIF,ICO,IEFS,JFIF,JPE,JPEG,JPG,JPS,JUT,MCF,NAP,NIF,PBM,PCX,PGM,PICT,PM,PNG,PNM,QIF,QTIF,RAS,RAST,RF,RP,SVF,TGA,TIF,TIFF,XBM,XPM,XWD 
LOG: (js -> flash).onError: Error 
LOG: (js -> flash).multiple: true 
LOG: (js -> flash).onError: Error 
LOG: (js -> flash).accept: art,bm,bmp,dwg,dxf,cbr,cbz,fif,fpx,gif,ico,iefs,jfif,jpe,jpeg,jpg,jps,jut,mcf,nap,nif,pbm,pcx,pgm,pict,pm,png,pnm,qif,qtif,ras,rast,rf,rp,svf,tga,tif,tiff,xbm,xpm,xwd,ART,BM,BMP,DWG,DXF,CBR,CBZ,FIF,FPX,GIF,ICO,IEFS,JFIF,JPE,JPEG,JPG,JPS,JUT,MCF,NAP,NIF,PBM,PCX,PGM,PICT,PM,PNG,PNM,QIF,QTIF,RAS,RAST,RF,RP,SVF,TGA,TIF,TIFF,XBM,XPM,XWD 
LOG: (js -> flash).onError: Error 
LOG: FlashAPI.event.mouseDown: [object Object] 
LOG: FlashAPI.event.select: [object Object] 
LOG: FlashAPI.Form.toData 
LOG: FlashAPI.XHR._send: fileapi14817587854852 -> 14817587933943 
LOG: (js -> flash).upload: [object Object] 
LOG: (js -> flash).onError: Error 
LOG: (js -> flash).upload: [object Object] 
LOG: (js -> flash).onError: Error 

IE9. Using babel to transpile from IE9

import '../node_modules/ng-file-upload/dist/ng-file-upload-shim';
import angular from 'angular';
import ngFileUpload from 'ng-file-upload';

and I have the fileApi files in my index.html.

    //optional need to be loaded before angular-file-upload-shim(.min).js
    FileAPI = {
        debug: true,
//                forceLoad: true,
//                html5: false, //to debug flash in HTML5 browsers
        jsUrl: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/danialfarid-angular-file-upload/12.2.13/FileAPI.js',
        flashUrl: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/danialfarid-angular-file-upload/12.2.13/FileAPI.flash.swf',
    class="button--md add-files"

This works fine in chrome, IE10, IE11.

Hard for me to even determine what is happening since the error logs don't have any details that I can figure out.

I've determined that whatever is happening is after Upload.upload() is called within the controller.

danialfarid commented 7 years ago

There is LOG: (js -> flash).onError: Error line which probably means your server returns an error. If you use a network monitoring or look into your server logs you can see what is happening on the server side.