daniel-j / send2ereader

A service for sending ebooks to a Kobo or Kindle ereader through the built-in browser
MIT License
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How to Use the Newly Added Send URL #20

Open pretenderlu opened 6 months ago

pretenderlu commented 6 months ago

Try using the new version of the interface, it seems unable to generate a download url directly. But if I have to fill it out myself, what should I write?

daniel-j commented 6 months ago

The url field is to send urls to your ereader instead of typing it in manually. They appear as clickable links, similar to ebook download buttons. For example if you have the url to a pdf, drm free epub and just want to send the link instead of downloading and uploading.

pretenderlu commented 6 months ago

The url field is to send urls to your ereader instead of typing it in manually. They appear as clickable links, similar to ebook download buttons. For example if you have the url to a pdf, drm free epub and just want to send the link instead of downloading and uploading.

Oh,Thanks. But it always displays "No file or url selected"."It looks the same as before, so I haven't used this service for a long time."

daniel-j commented 6 months ago

You need to choose a file or url or both before clicking upload.

pretenderlu commented 6 months ago

Yes, I selected a file, but in the end, it displayed "no file".

pretenderlu commented 6 months ago
<-- GET / ::ffff: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
--> GET / 200 3ms 5.25kb
<-- GET /style.css?o
--> GET /style.css?o 200 3ms 2.08kb
<-- GET /common.js
--> GET /common.js 200 3ms 1.04kb
<-- GET /favicon.ico
--> GET /favicon.ico 404 1ms -
<-- GET /status/FHZ3
--> GET /status/FHZ3 200 2ms 58b
<-- POST /generate There are currently 1 key(s) in use. Generating unique key... ::ffff: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.0; en-us;) AppleWebKit/538.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/538.1 (Kobo Touch 0386/4.38.21908) Generated key 5PAV, 1 attempt(s)
--> POST /generate 200 1ms 4b
<-- GET /status/5PAV
--> GET /status/5PAV 200 1ms 58b
<-- POST /upload Incoming file: { fieldname: 'file', originalname: '(Shang Yi Jiu Ban)Bai Nian Gu Du.epub', encoding: '7bit', mimetype: 'application/epub' } FileFilter: File is of an invalid type  { fieldname: 'file', originalname: '(Shang Yi Jiu Ban)Bai Nian Gu Du.epub', encoding: '7bit', mimetype: 'application/epub' }
--> GET /status/5PAV
--> GET /status/5PAV 200 1ms 58b { message: 'No file or url selected', success: false, key: '5PAV' }
--> POST /upload 302 859ms 79b
<-- GET / ::ffff: Mozilla/5.0

The error log is as shown above. I can't use it on PC with Edge and Chrome, but it works on mobile.

daniel-j commented 6 months ago

Looks like the error is "File is of an invalid type", but looking at the log I'm not sure why...

pretenderlu commented 6 months ago

Using the same EPUB file, when using a mobile browser, the log shows: mimetype: 'application/epub+zip', when using a desktop, it shows as mimetype: 'application/epub'.

daniel-j commented 6 months ago

I have added application/epub too now, try again.

pretenderlu commented 6 months ago

I'm sorry, but whether it's the web page you provided or the one I redeployed myself, the same error persists. I've given up.