When sharing a password with a user directly, the user can't read the secret. With the vague message : "Error: Unable to parse the secret."
# all good
print(Passbolt.createpassword("test_123", "dlzejkzmeljdz=dez", "test", "google.com", "just some test please remove"))
# this fails silently
print(Passbolt.sharepassword("test_123", "test", ["user_B@extension.com"], []))
# this works (containing user_a and user_b
print(Passbolt.sharepassword("test_123", "test", [], ["user_a_and_b"]))
3 times it reports : The operation was successful.
When sharing a password with a user directly, the user can't read the secret. With the vague message : "Error: Unable to parse the secret."
3 times it reports : The operation was successful.
Any idea's what could be wrong ?