daniel-nagy / fixed-table-header

Fixed table header directive.
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Table header cells do not get proper widths on IE11 #37

Open mattweason opened 7 years ago

mattweason commented 7 years ago

I'm having a problem where the table header cells do not properly line up with the table columns exclusively in IE11, seems to work fine in Chrome. Has anyone had a similar issue?

apalayret commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem, only on IE11. And it's a little odd, because the original thead is properly line up, but not the clone.

timbrnbrr commented 6 years ago

Have you found a solution for this problem yet? I have experienced the same problem using Firefox and IE11.

mattweason commented 6 years ago

What I ended up doing was just triggering a resize event after the table loaded. It's a bit hacky but it works.

timbrnbrr commented 6 years ago

What kind of resize event did you trigger?

mattweason commented 6 years ago

Here's the resize event code I use:

window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

For IE you might have to use this:

var evt = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); evt.initEvent('resize', true, false); window.dispatchEvent(evt);

I also put that in a setTimeout to make sure the table is fully loaded before it triggers. Like I said, it's hacky but it does the job for now.

ctqctq commented 6 years ago

if you have child element inside your TH, you need to set the width on the child element instead of setting the width on your TH

this is my code to fix this problem var setWidth = function () { marginTop(height()); //checking IE11 var isIE = /@cc_on!@/false || !!document.documentMode; if (isIE){ clone.children().css({ width: style.width }); } else { clone.css({ width: style.width }); } };

timbrnbrr commented 6 years ago

Doesn't work for me.

praveenraji2i commented 6 years ago

Doesn't work for me also.

ctqctq commented 6 years ago

try this too

var setWidth = function () { marginTop(height()); //checking IE11 var isIE = /@cc_on!@/false || !!document.documentMode; if (isIE) { var border = parseFloat(style.borderRightWidth, 10) + parseFloat(style.borderLeftWidth, 10); var padding = parseFloat(style.paddingRight, 10) + parseFloat(style.paddingLeft, 10); var margin = parseFloat(style.marginLeft, 10) + parseFloat(style.marginRight, 10); var widthToAdd = parseFloat(style.width, 10) + border + padding + margin; console.log('width: ', widthToAdd); clone.css({width: widthToAdd + 'px' }); } else { clone.css({width: style.width }); //modified to set width directly instead of max and minwidth } };

praveenraji2i commented 6 years ago

@ctqctq It's working, thank you. Please add
clone.css({ width: widthToAdd + 'px', minWidth: widthToAdd + 'px',
maxWidth: style.width + 'px' });

hgoebl commented 6 years ago

Thanks! You're saving my day.

My working solution looks like this (merged and corrected a bit):

          var setWidth = function () {
            //checking IE11
            var isIE = !!document.documentMode;
            if (isIE) {
              var border = parseFloat(style.borderRightWidth) + parseFloat(style.borderLeftWidth);
              var padding = parseFloat(style.paddingRight) + parseFloat(style.paddingLeft);
              var margin = parseFloat(style.marginLeft) + parseFloat(style.marginRight);
              var widthToAdd = parseFloat(style.width) + border + padding + margin;
              console.log('width: ', widthToAdd);
                width: widthToAdd + 'px',
                minWidth: widthToAdd + 'px',
                maxWidth: style.width + 'px'
            } else {
              clone.css({width: style.width }); //modified to set width directly instead of max and minwidth
ctqctq commented 6 years ago

I've found a better way to handle IE11

                            //checking IE11
                            var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode;
                            if (isIE) {
                                    boxSizing: 'content-box'
                                width: style.width,
                                minWidth: style.width,
                                maxWidth: style.width

I was reading this earlier https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Explorer_box_model_bug

hgoebl commented 6 years ago

Thanks @ctqctq it works perfectly with IE11. Much better solution.

Vin-1991 commented 4 years ago

Thanks @ctqctq man you saved my life. Cheers.