daniel-widrick / zap2it-GuideScraping

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Any example how runs? #23

Closed Toei79 closed 1 year ago

Toei79 commented 2 years ago

im fully new on this i have basic skill on linux, just try run scrip .sh one but i get errors i suppose to fill somethings on script right?

i add my username and password values country USA, and zipcode still get errors , i guess its something that i dont fill on script,

any example?

whats the ini file? one that ends with .dist i fill my info in that one. thanks

daniel-widrick commented 2 years ago

whats the ini file? one that ends with .dist i fill my info in that one

Fill this file out than copy or move or rename it to config.ini. the config.ini.dist file is an example for config.ini

Try that out and then if you have trouble come on back and post any specific errors/etc you get.

Toei79 commented 2 years ago


hi i get this i fill config.ini with my user name (email) and pasword , zipcode.

daniel-widrick commented 2 years ago

I'll address this later in the code/release but it appears it currently expects config.ini to be named zap2itconfig.ini

For the time being can rename the config.ini to zap2itconfig.ini and test again? sorry about the confusion

Toei79 commented 2 years ago

02-28-2022 (150337)

fix that still get errors. only data that i add was to zap2itconfig.ini

daniel-widrick commented 2 years ago

That error suggests to me an authentication problem. I'll try to dig into more soon.

melendyk commented 2 years ago

02-28-2022 (150337)

fix that still get errors. only data that i add was to zap2itconfig.ini

I've recreated your error by using invalid password with my my user id, so make sure you are using valid credentials in the .ini file. Also, to be safe, I run the command this way explicitly including all options/parameters: python3 zap2it-GuideScrape.py -c zap2itconfig.ini -o xmlfile.xml

Toei79 commented 2 years ago

i still getting same thing 03-03-2022 (233633)


this its the listings page? just to be sure. if i changed password and run again also i run new parameters https://tvlistings.zap2it.com/?aid=gapzap

melendyk commented 2 years ago

That should be all you need... if you can log into that page with your email (username) and password, it should work... Screenshot from 2022-03-04 08-11-27

Toei79 commented 2 years ago

That should be all you need... if you can log into that page with your email (username) and password, it should work... Screenshot from 2022-03-04 08-11-27

thanks thats why i asked an example. its all that i need.

my error was i only place my username and not email. my username for zap was name on my email.

i did charly instead charly@gmail.com

its running fine now thanks!

daniel-widrick commented 2 years ago

I have updated the config.ini.dist to be more reflective of this: https://github.com/daniel-widrick/zap2it-GuideScraping/commit/facaf0c15684fbb5a6d4dd97442e92a7d9b61d44

Toei79 commented 2 years ago

Question how you use guide?

i try using it with tivimate but its only detecting the first channel. of epg im using hdhomerun with tivimate. and loading epg on tivimate.

melendyk commented 2 years ago

Sorry I can't help you with that... I use it to load guide in Jellyfin server (which uses my hdhomerun) and just use jellyfin clients. Why not just use hdhomerun app if that's all your trying to do is watch tv and have a guide... the app shows a guide without having to load anything specific.

Toei79 commented 2 years ago

Thanks i prefer tivimate plus i guess you need pay for record with hdhomerun.

daniel-widrick commented 2 years ago

I've never used tivimate but, I have recorded tv shows with this guide, my hdhomerun, and jellyfin.

Toei79 commented 2 years ago

actually its fine, i mean, i know a github script that get same style xml data, , one that extract epg from hdhommerun devices, i was hoping this one was different, but guess not, issue its tivimate .

issue for what i remember can be fixed adding channel list to beginning of the xml file.

03-08-2022 (220051)

for example like this.

im been thinking there its two kind of xml epg data but i never found some info about it.

Toei79 commented 2 years ago

well i found some way , maybe sharing this its useful for any to read issues section.

i add epg to my tvheadend, then i able to use it add it to tivimate, kinda like after tvheadend process the epg , it make it workeable for tivimate , and yea structure changes when epg its loaded from tvheadend.

the only issue is icons.

djlzotz commented 1 month ago

I am having the following authentication error. Is there anything I should know about special characters or the like. I suspect they may be causing issues.

python3 zap2it-GuideScrape.py -c zap2itconfig.ini -o xmlguid.xmltv Namespace(configfile='zap2itconfig.ini', outputfile='xmlguid.xmltv', language=None, findid=False) Loading config: zap2itconfig.ini and outputting: xmlguid.xmltv Traceback (most recent call last): File "/docker/zap2it/zap2it-GuideScraping-main/zap2it-GuideScrape.py", line 315, in guide.BuildGuide() File "/docker/zap2it/zap2it-GuideScraping-main/zap2it-GuideScrape.py", line 243, in BuildGuide self.Authenticate() File "/docker/zap2it/zap2it-GuideScraping-main/zap2it-GuideScrape.py", line 35, in Authenticate authResponse = urllib.request.urlopen(authRequest).read() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/urllib/request.py", line 216, in urlopen return opener.open(url, data, timeout) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/urllib/request.py", line 525, in open response = meth(req, response) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/urllib/request.py", line 634, in http_response response = self.parent.error( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/urllib/request.py", line 563, in error return self._call_chain(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/urllib/request.py", line 496, in _call_chain result = func(args) ^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/usr/lib/python3.11/urllib/request.py", line 643, in http_error_default raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp) urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized