daniel1noble / BACE

Bayesian augmentation by chained equations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Simulating mock data #2

Open szymekdr opened 4 months ago

szymekdr commented 4 months ago


szymekdr commented 4 months ago

User supplies:

#' @param n_species Size of the tree
#' @param n_cases Size of the final dataset
#' @param predictor_types A character vector of types of predictors
#'     c("gaussian", "binary", "poisson", "categoricalN"); for "categoricalN" - N defines
#'     the number of distinct categories to generate
#' @param response_type The distribution family for response variable
#' @param sim_matrix A matrix with ncol=nrow=length(predictor_types) filled with 0 and 1
#'     1 in row x and column y means predictor x depends on predictor y
#' @param var_names Optional character vector of variable names (if NULL
#'     generic names are used)
#' TBC...
szymekdr commented 4 months ago