daniel1noble / orchaRd

Extending the Orchard Plot for Meta-analysis
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Prediction intervals given by mod_results() don't work with random effects specified with an '~ inner | outer' term #45

Closed befriendabacterium closed 10 months ago

befriendabacterium commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug When specifying a random effect with an '~ inner | outer' term, the prediction intervals outputted are identical to the confidence intervals (which are correct). You can see the issue by comparing to the predict() function output for models without and with '~ inner | outer' terms (see code below).

To Reproduce


# PREPARE DATA (ISHAK 2007) -----------------------------------------------

### copy data into 'dat' and examine data
dat <- dat.ishak2007
head(dat, 5)
## Not run:
### load metafor package
### create long format dataset
dat <- reshape(dat, direction="long", idvar="study", v.names=c("yi","vi"),
               varying=list(c(2,4,6,8), c(3,5,7,9)))
dat <- dat[order(study, time),]
### remove missing measurement occasions from dat.long
dat <- dat[!is.na(yi),]
rownames(dat) <- NULL
head(dat, 8)

# PLOT DATA ---------------------------------------------------------------

### plot data
with(dat, interaction.plot(time, study, yi, type="b", pch=19, lty="solid", xaxt="n",
                           legend=FALSE, xlab="Time Point", ylab="Mean Difference", bty="l"))
axis(side=1, at=1:4, lab=c("1 (3 months)", "2 (6 months)", "3 (12 months)", "4 (12+ months)"))

# MODEL 1: SIMPLE RANDOM EFFECT -------------------------------------------

### intercept-only model with study as a random effect
res1 <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random =  list(~1 | study),
              data = dat)
print(res1, digits=2)

#expected result
 pred     se    ci.lb    ci.ub    pi.lb    pi.ub 
 -27.1854 0.9450 -29.0375 -25.3333 -37.8370 -16.5339 
#actual (orchaRd) result - identical to above expected, and prediction interval is different from confidence interval
mod_results1<-orchaRd::mod_results(model = res1, mod = "1", group='study')
name  estimate   lowerCL   upperCL   lowerPR   upperPR
1 Intrcpt -27.18543 -29.03754 -25.33333 -37.83702 -16.53384

# MODEL 2: RANDOM EFFECT WITH INNER/OUTER TERM-------------------------------------------

### intercept-only model with heteroscedastic AR(1) structure for the true (random) effects
res2 <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random =  list(~ time | study),
              struct = "CAR", data = dat)
print(res2, digits=2)

#expected result
   pred     se    ci.lb    ci.ub    pi.lb    pi.ub 
 -27.1854 0.9450 -29.0375 -25.3333 -37.8370 -16.5338 
#actual (orchaRd) result - different from above expected, and prediction interval is identical to confidence interval
mod_results2<-orchaRd::mod_results(model = res2, mod = "1", group='study')
     name  estimate   lowerCL   upperCL   lowerPR   upperPR
1 Intrcpt -27.18543 -29.03754 -25.33333 -29.03754 -25.33333

Expected behavior

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daniel1noble commented 11 months ago

Thanks @befriendabacterium. This is the same or similar bug to #46. Will look into this ASAP for these models

daniel1noble commented 10 months ago

@befriendabacterium I think I found the bug here actually. It was rather simple I think. It was a missing tau2. Can you have a look and see if this fixes things for you?

daniel1noble commented 10 months ago

I did a few more checks and I think this is fixed so I'm closing unless we see it pop up.

befriendabacterium commented 10 months ago

Great! Just double checked this on the example I provided and my own data (before and after updating orchaRd), and works a treat! Nice one, thanks.