daniel1noble / orchaRd

Extending the Orchard Plot for Meta-analysis
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An error when running `orchard_plot` #63

Open itchyshin opened 1 week ago

itchyshin commented 1 week ago

@daniel1noble - have you come across an error like this?

> orchard_plot(mod0, mod = "1", xlab = "logit(overlap %)", group = Study_ID)
Error in .subset2(x, i, exact = exact) : 
  recursive indexing failed at level 2

maybe this link is useful


daniel1noble commented 1 week ago

I’ve never seen that, but can you try adding quotation marks for “Study_ID” and seeing if that fixes it?

itchyshin commented 1 week ago


Sorry - I should not be making that kind of mistake, but even with "Study_ID" - I get this - this seems like a familiar error?

> orchard_plot(mod1, mod = "treatment", xlab = "logit(overlap %)", group = "Study_ID")
Error in data.frame(yi, vi, moderator, stdy, type) : 
  arguments imply differing number of rows: 932, 0, 1
daniel1noble commented 1 week ago

Ha, all good @itchyshin! If it makes you feel better, I also still forget to add quotes sometimes ;)

This seems like it could be an issue with missing data. Are there any when fitting the model? I haven't seen this error in a long time, but it seems to crop up now and then so I'm not sure where it might still be coming from.