daniel5151 / ANESE

Another NES Emulator - written for fun & learning - first implementation of wideNES
MIT License
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cloud-based repository for level maps #2

Open theclue opened 6 years ago

theclue commented 6 years ago

Just read your article about wideNES and I've gave ANESE a try. Man, this is pure genius! :O

I read about the know limitation of reliying of the player playing a level for the map to be done. I was wondering if you perhaps have considered to use a centralized, cloud-based knoweledge repository of pixel maps for various games level, to record plays. So there's no need for every player to play a given level, but just one.

do you think it could be a good idea?

tnx allot for this great concept!

RandyGaul commented 6 years ago

@theclue Could you link the article? I'm curious what you're talking about after getting an email notification :)

theclue commented 6 years ago

@RandyGaul here we go :)


found thanks to


daniel5151 commented 6 years ago

A cloud based repo for maps is a great idea! It would be fantastic for the community to come together and map out NES games.

Unfortunately, i'm heading back to Uni soon, which means i'll be taking a break from working on wideNES for a while. That said, there is nothing stopping someone in the community from setting a map repo up!

One caveat: ANESE is definitely not the best NES emulator out there, far from it! If the community is serious about mapping out NES games with wideNES, I'd strongly urge someone to re-implement wideNES in a more mature and accurate NES emulator (eg: Mesen) prior to any large mapping effort!

SourMesen commented 6 years ago

@daniel5151 Funny that you say that, since I was actually pondering messaging you to ask if you would be ok with it if I were to try to implement something similar to wideNES in Mesen. :p

That being said, I'm actually leaving for a relatively long vacation in ~4 weeks, so I'm somewhat unlikely to have the time to implement it before that.

Great job, by the way - looks pretty impressive! I'd be curious to see if I could get it to work alongside HD packs, but that might be pretty harsh on the CPU.

RandyGaul commented 6 years ago

@sourmesen what is hd packs?

daniel5151 commented 6 years ago

@SourMesen I was hoping you'd say that 😄 I'd absolutely love to see wideNES in Mesen. And hey, if you can get it working with HD packs, that'd be insane!

@RandyGaul HD packs replace a NES game's 8x8 tiles with HD equivalents, thereby boosting the effective resolution of the NES past 256x240. Here is an example of Castlevania running with a HD pack in Mesen.