daniel5151 / ANESE

Another NES Emulator - written for fun & learning - first implementation of wideNES
MIT License
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Failed to open directory #6

Closed MobCat closed 5 years ago

MobCat commented 5 years ago

so the first time I ran ANESE it ran fine so I was OK I'll load some of my own roms into this and now this is all I get when I try and run ANESE now https://i.imgur.com/o0VWG45.png This is on windows 10 Enterprise version 1803 I deleted all of my roms expect for the 2048 rom it came with and still the same issue I moved ANESE to the root of my C:\ and still same issue I ran ANESE as administrator still same issue I download and tried to run ANESE 0.9.0 still same issue I have a feeling ANESE is trying to get cfg info or something from my docs but is using the old windows xp documents and settings prefix instead of the new win 7 Users folder or %username% If I knew where ANESE was trying to save it's settings I probable could manually tell it to load from C:\Users but I don't know where / if ANESE saves cfg files

daniel5151 commented 5 years ago

I use the cfgpath library for saving ANESE's config in different places depending on the OS. IIRC (just looking at cfgpath's code), the config should be at %appdata%\anese.ini

Tweak the config, and you should be able to get back up and running!