As a user, I want to be able to mark all of my notifications as "read" in one go.
Story Description
What are we trying to accomplish?
We are punting on this feature in order to stay on schedule. But this is a must have feature in general, and especially since we've chosen to notify on a lot of events, we're going to need to allow users to quickly mark all of their notifications as read.
Acceptance Criteria
At what point is this story considered "done"?
We have a button or a link in the NotificationMenu that allows a user to mark all of their current notifications as "read" with out having to click through each one.
What stories does this one depend on? What do we need to do first before we can call this one done?
As a user, I want to be able to mark all of my notifications as "read" in one go.
Story Description
What are we trying to accomplish?
We are punting on this feature in order to stay on schedule. But this is a must have feature in general, and especially since we've chosen to notify on a lot of events, we're going to need to allow users to quickly mark all of their notifications as read.
Acceptance Criteria
At what point is this story considered "done"?
What stories does this one depend on? What do we need to do first before we can call this one done?